Welcome to Sipar Books!

In Education, Quality is the Most Important

Enhancing the reading capacity of children can provide them with opportunities for a better future. Focusing on one subject makes their study and understanding easier and your children will gain the keys to success in their education. Our goals are to provide quality books to children in order to lead them in the ways of knowledge. With Sipar books, you can be confident that your children or your pupils have the best books we publish in Khmer.

About our books:

 Each book is designed according to the age and preferences of readers.

 The type of paper we use is bright and thick. The pictures are high quality.

 When children read anything they do not like, they stop reading. That is why we publish children’s books with stories that make children want to read. When they are interested in reading a book and love reading, they will love reading for life.

 The group of “picture books“ has their cover and inside pages plastic-layered to be water-proof and have their borders blunt-trimmed so they do not cut children when they hold them to read.

 The subjects are numerous and diverse, such as history, culture, environment, health, sciences, nature, animals, and biographies of famous people, etc. We also publish the Atlas books that are the first books of maps in Khmer