17 - Room to Read

The Fat Giant
Author: Prum Kunthearo
Fat Giant is attending Bon Phum in a village. Suddenly, his tummy aches. He ran to a cow, a dog and a cat, asking for a WC, in vain. Fortunatel

Bon Phum
Author: Eng Povpisey
Nisa wants to join Bon Phum in her village like all her friends, but she is too busy at home. Will she ever be able to joint this festival?

I Want a Hat
Author: Hing Sreyrath
Little Pencil goes to the village’s market with his friends, Eraser and Pen. He sees a hat and loves it. He wants to buy it, but he doesn

The Firefly
Author: Svay Limeng
Phlek Phlek is a firefly. He’s proud of the light on his tail. But one morning, his light disappeared. He asks Sunflower, Bat and Sun, bu

Visiting Grandpa’s House
Author: Pao Makara
Dara is not happy to visit her grandpa’s house. When she gets there, however, things suddenly change! Read and find out what made her so