Welcome to Sipar Books!



My Family

Author: Seng Visoth

My Family introduces you to the members of the family.

My Favorite Vegetables

Author: Hout Sarith

My Favorite Vegetables will help young children get to know varieties of vegetables.

My Daily Life

Author: Seng Visal

My Daily Life will help young children know how to express their daily activities.

My Toy

Author: Seng Visoth

My Favorite Toys will help young children know how to call toys they play with every day...

My Favorite Fruits

Author: Chea Sereyroath

My Favorite Fruits will help young children know fruits they eat every day.

My Favorite Meat

Author: Chea Sereyroath

My Favorite Meat will help young children know meat they eat every day.

My Favorite Flowers

Author: Try Somphos

My Favorite Flowers will help young children know flowers they see often.


Author: Seng Visoth

Vehicles will help young children know vehicles that they see around them.